lunedì 2 gennaio 2012


It's tough to be on the diet when:
1) you're bored
2) you're starving even if you're full because all the gorging made you a calories addicted
3) you're sad and think that nobody loves you and you feel different. And maybe wrong.
4) you're feeling lonely
5) you're premestrual
6) you think of the previous year and you feel nostalgic and depressed
7) you're nervous
8) there's plenty of yummy left-overs all over the place
9) you're disappointed because you gained again the kilo you lost right after Christmas
10) you're inviting people to visit you but everyone has better things to do

I wished to behave today but I couldn't make it this time...
I've been good (more or less) for breakfast: ginger and lemon infusion, 2 soft amaretti and the last gianduiotto

I wanted to avoid carbohydrates today but there were few boiled lasagne left from yesterday: so I cut them in little pieces and I re-heated adding pesto. It could go worse.

Here come the worse: a huge caffellatte cup with a small pandoro to dip in it
That was slightly outragious, also because I wasn't hungry at all...

...And to put a tragic end to the night, I couldn't help to nibble my food fetish: mayo!
Spread on crackers.

And I have other festive lunches and dinners planned....
This time my nutritionist is going to kill me!!

I went on nibbling pop-corn during the night
I'm ashamful indeed

2 commenti:

  1. sei strepitosa! Le lasagne con il pesto e poi la maionese mangiata così, sai che non l'ho mai fatto??! :)))))

  2. E devo aggiornare con la mattata dell'1: un saccone di pop-corn! Ieri ho fatto proprio schifo....Ma stamani mi sono pesata ed ero quasi 2 chili in meno... o_O solo io!!!
