venerdì 30 dicembre 2011


Peach and Passion Fruit infusion and a muffin
Sweet, sweet waking up (and lazy as usual)

I went on with lazyness....
For lunch Crescione alla parmigiana in bed while I was listening sad songs via YouTube.
I was a bit blue today
So I spent the afternoon in bed

I have never felt hungry today
Maybe because I'm sad or maybe because I can't be ar*sed to cook lately
Well, right after Christmas: what a timing luck

2 commenti:

  1. nooooo il crescione romagnolo, bonissimo!!!! Ma che ci azzecca in versilia? Come siete avanti dalle vostre parti!!!!!

  2. Le piadinerie qui ci sono! Comunque questo è confezionato (del Lidl, manco a dirlo...)
